Friday, December 31, 2010

Reflections, Reflections

How quickly has this year gone!!!  January 1st tomorrow!

It's a beautiful day in Wellington today, and I'm sitting up in bed with the curtains drawn.  Girls are in their room watching the Cinderella Story DVD for the upteenth time and Dan is crashed out.

It's amazing how the last day/weeks of the year can bring people to reflect on their lives and make plans to change things for the better in the year to come.  There are so many status changes about reflections in facebook at the moment.

Because I'm a "list" person, my reflections for 2010 are:

  • First three months I had set a goal and had lost some weight...
  • Passed one paper in the first semester, transferred the other...
  • Hitting May, I fell sick...
  • out of work for three months!!
  • So many family members stayed with us to help...
  • Bought new house in July - thank you God!
  • Back to work in Aug was hard!
  • My God-father passed away... :(
  • Moved into our new house in September - thank you God
  • Taken on so much and feeling really exhausted
  • Projects for church were a success - Movie fundraiser, Volleyball tournament, Photo fundraiser
  • Holiday in November with my lil family was AWESOME! and much needed!
Despite the mid year flump with falling sick, it has been a very productive year.  What I could have done better was to spend more "quality" time with my girls and taking care of myself.

Next year will be another full on year with completing my degree (Finally!!!).  Taking care of my health.  Being a better mother to my girls, and loving wife to my husband.  There is potential for there to be a new addition to our household - but let's see what God's plans are :) 

So next year I will...
  • strive to be a virtuous woman (Proverbs 31)
  • take care of my health
  • complete my studies
  • more understanding and patient with my family
but most of all having complete faith that God knows what is best for me.  Though I serve Him in "public" activities I need to serve Him more in private.  That means more meaningful prayers, more conversations with God, my character is a reflection of Jesus' character.  If this is done, then all else will fall into place.

Every year we make new year's resolutions but what will set next year's resolutions apart from every previous year?  For me, it's about meaning.  If there is some meaning to my goal, some purpose then I believe I will more likely achieve my goals....

Thank you God for a great year of blessings and tests, I only pray that my service will be taken to the next level next year as my faith will be too!!!

Happy New Year everyone!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

8 days 'til Christmas....

Where has the year gone?? It's crazy how quickly time is going now.  And to think I only really spent 9 months working and the other 3 recuperating.  It's been a crazy last couple of weeks.  At church we've been advertising a family portrait fundraiser.  This time we've decided to take the photos ourselves.  The feedback we've received so far has been really good.  We have taken pictures of at least 25+ families.  What a blessing.  Today was our 2nd day of shooting.  Met some beautiful families today.

I have not been well this past week.  Had taken two days off because I had developed a sty that has taken on a mind of its own.  I hadn't had one in years and then all of a sudden 5 pop up at the same time.  Bad timing with the shoot today.  I was a little worried with the back infection I had earlier so had gone into the hospital to double check that all is okay.  The eye specialist also thought that despite my condition being a normal sty, given my history I had to take precaution.  So back to drinking 6+ pills a day.  Not a great feeling but I will do anything not to fall sick again.  I was beginning to feel a little stressed with pressures and work, church and home (house is a mess!!!).  My husband is doing the best that he can and he is extremely busy himself.  Most of all he is really concerned about my earth and pleading with me to re-think my commitments and reminding me that my body is not what it used to be and that I really need to take care of myself first.

I had been thinking about and at times I do about why I commit myself to so many things.  I find that I have this desire to prove my worth to people especially those I love.  I must've felt growing up that I was worthless and needed to show people that I can be of some use.  And now I am pushing myself to doing so many things.  I have learnt to only take on what I can because I have a family now and whatever time I give to someone else, I give away that time I could have with my girls.  I have dedicated a bit of my time to this fundraiser this last month so I am looking forward to spending some quality time with my girls during this Christmas and New Year break.

My parents are here visiting.  It's great to see that despite my girls hardly seeing my parents (they live in Auckland, NZ) they can get along with them as if they have always lived in the same city.  I love that they have the time to share together.  Funny story, my dad was supposed to arrive to Wellington on Monday night.  My brother had taken my dad to the airport and at the check-in point were told that there were no further flights to Wellington.  My brother had insisted that my dad was meant to be boarding a flight to Wellington that night.  The attendant check the itinerary and pointed out that my dad was meant to board a flight from Wellington to Auckland.  A little embarrassed my brother withdrew apologetically from the counter and hurried my dad into the car.  Then anxiously called me non-stop leaving messages calling me ..something silly...for booking the wrong departure city!  My dad thought it was funny.  I on the other hand was not very pleased and after a few punches in the air I re-booked my dad's flights and so he arrived in Wellington the next day.  I think my dad was more concerned that I have been so busy that I wasn't concentrating properly on what I was doing.  I think he was right too.

So my girls have finished school for the year.  Next year my youngest will be starting primary school too.  I look forward to my girls going to the same school again.

I took photos of my sister-in-law the other night testing our new studio kit.  Really love the pics of her with the black background.  While I was snapping away, I asked her about her relationship with God.  Interesting seeing her expressions as I was shooting.  I found that her expression is very common.  Another reminder that I tend to have my actions in servitude overtake my faith and therefore lack of prayer kicks in.  Is it a bad thing to be focussing all my energies on serving Him with action that it is to serve with prayer?  Perhaps this is really where my desire to prove my worth comes from.  I know that I do not serve Him as well as I should through prayer that I turn to serving Him with action!  Because to me that feels like home.  I often doubt myself and think I'm just doing it to show everyone that I'm doing something.  But it isn't really.  I genuinely feel that I am serving my God.

Here are some pics from that mini-photoshoot:

I sit and look around my house and see that there is so much to do.  What comes to mind was a preaching I heard some years ago about your House being clean.  Not so much literally but your body, your heart, your spirit being clean.  And then I think about the outside reflecting how I feel, think on the inside.  I would say that the state of my physical house is pretty much reflecting the state of my spiritual house...but that will soon change this christmas holidays :)

What is the state of your House this season?

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Ticking things off my list....

So last week had to be one of the busiest weeks this year!  I had my work do last Friday, which I was part of the organising committee.  The regional youth quiz night later that night, and then the next day was our church photo fundraiser, which I am the photographer.  Only because I am surrounded by great people and Gods strength that I had pulled these off.

I had to take the day off today to recuperate.  I am doing more exercise now which has been a test each time on how much my back could take.  Part of me, pushes myself to do more thinking I'm being silly but the other part of me says don't even go there, take your time.

With our church fundraiser kicking off and a lot of interest has come about I am now looking to extend the fundraiser to Auckland, NZ.  I will be spending some time up there.  All the donations go to my church the good work we will do.  So I'm praying that this is all part of God's journey for me.

My parents come down in a week.  Will be nice to have them around.  I have so many things for my dad to do around the house.  ha! and he thinks he's coming down for a holiday :)  I think not.

We are now into Week 4 in taking care of ourselves.  My husband has slowly slipped back into his old habits, but we're doing okay.  Last week was a little hectic, but this week will be better.  I keep having at the back of my mind that if my temple is in top shape then my service to God will be too!  There are so many things to consider, when I think about how good my service is at the moment.  I sometimes think that I'm doing a great job when people can see that I'm doing things that they can see.  I often forget that it's the things that people can't see that are just as important.  An example is snapping so quickly at my brother when he let something slip.  IN life we come to accept that people are the way they are.  It is not our job to change their ways but I do think that in any situation no matter how different we are, things can be better.  So an apology quickly followed my abrupt comments to my brother....oops.  I am reminded again that I can control what I do and not what others do.

My goal this week is to focus on the task at hand and to look ahead!!!

Staying Motivated...

Heading into Week 3 of taking care of ME with my husband.  Our meal plans have been going great.  Exercising together is really motivating too.  It can be difficult because we enjoy different methods but the togetherness makes us work that much harder.  We tried to have a field session last Wednesday while our girls played on the playground.  That didn't last very long because our girls wanted to join us instead as they thought that mummy and daddy were playing a cool game.  We soon changed our routine and made our exercise time more family friendly :)  Our girls enjoyed running around with us.

Since returning from holiday spending "quality" time has improved.  Every little bit of time counts.

We are now only a few weeks away from the Christmas holidays.  It's crazy to think how quickly the year has flown by.  However, events/projects that I'm involved in has been turned up a couple of notches!

I was told today of a breakdown in relationships that really saddened me.  It put such a damper on my day that I almost pulled out of exercising with my sister-in-law.  It's amazing the effect that some things can have on you.  We can be so busy in our own world that we become unaware of how others are feeling.  I am learning to let go of the things that I cannot change.  It is not an easy feat but one that can only make me stronger.

It is turning out to be a very busy week for me this week with our church photo fundraiser, end of year work do, Sunday School exam, family visiting and what not.  I am blessed with a supportive husband who has taken care of our girls while I concentrate on the extra work.  Trying to take things in stride.

With God's strength I know I can accomplish great things!