Sunday, December 25, 2011

It's that time again...

Wow it's only 7 more days until New Year's Day! I remember writing my goals for 2011 and now am about to take some time out to reflect on the year passed to plan for the year ahead!

2011 has been a year of growth for me, in the spiritual, physical (definitely!) and mental sense.  I have grown to understand myself so much more.  I've found that I really needed to look within to find what really satisfies ME.

I've learnt in 2011, that before being able to help others, I needed to help myself first.  By filling up my own car can I then go the distance.  You can only get so far on an empty unwarranted and unregistered vehicle :)

I've learnt that my daughters' really appreciate the quality time I give them.  No matter how little it does get at times, it's being mentally aware that in that particular moment ...they need me...their mum.

I've learnt to be honest with myself and with my husband.  No longer am I to play mind games with him especially when it comes to my birthday :P but at the same time allowing him the opportunity to take a chance to please his wife in however way he feels is best.  Appreciating those moments is important in our relationship. We can't always get it right that's why the next time will ALWAYS be so much better! :)

I've learnt that only God  can really meet ALL my needs.  Only God knows what is right for me at any given time. Only God makes things happen in my life.

I've learnt that distancing myself from others really does allow the devils to plant seeds of anger, assumptions, and frustration to enter into my heart and my mind.  It says in the bible that if we draw near to Him, He will draw near to us...same goes for our relationships with our brothers and sisters.

This year has really been a year about ME.  Despite my physically temple still not quite reflecting the REAL ME...I am happy that my spiritual and mental person is growing stronger each day.

I look forward to what 2012 brings.  The opportunity to start over, to start afresh, to make right the wrongs we have done in 2011 is exciting and yet makes me nervous.

2012 I will definitely FINISH a number of things I've started......

I am truly thankful for all the opportunities I have had this year.  I am also most thankful for my readers.  Thank you for following me on my journey.  Thank you for your kind words of encouragement.  If there has ever been a time where you have felt that you have not made a difference in this life....please know that YOU have made a DIFFERENCE IN MINE!!!

God bless you and your families....I hope that you continue to join me on my journey in the new year xxxxxx

Monday, December 19, 2011

Winding down...

It has been a crazy last couple of months for me.  Travelling, working ....It has been a blessing to take the time off that I needed and I do feel as though I have grown spiritually, mentally and physically.

I'm looking forward to spending some much needed quality time with my family.  Today is a very lazy day with my girls.  Lying in bed watching movies.  It has been good given I have dosed in and out of sleep due to still feeling jet lagged.

Since my last post, I have been thinking about what it is that I need...not want to blog about.  I need to find my motivation again.  I have received a lot of comments about the way I look and thought the numbers on the scales haven't budged much I feel better about myself.  Giving myself the attention I need for myself and my husband and my girls.  How will I be able to teach my girls about self confidence if I don't demonstrate it myself.

So today is a day of rest and then I'll be meeting with my good friend the Stokes Valley stairs!!! My weights have arrived so my husband and I are going to give a bit of cross fit training a go which seems to be the craze...and I'm all about phases and crazes!!! ....don't leave me alone in the middle of the night watching'll find a few packages at my doorstep later in the week!!

So today's post is about the trials that we face in our day-to-day living.  In these trials we grow!  That is the only way to look at it.

'Consider it all joy...when you encounter various trials.'James 1:2
James writes: 'Consider it all joy...when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance...that you may be perfect and complete' (vv2-4). Peter writes: '...don't be surprised at the fiery trials you are going through, as if something strange were happening to you' (1 Peter 4:12).Trials are the common thread that unites us. When you get through with one, chances are there's another one coming up the road. That's why James didn't say, 'if,' but 'when you encounter...trials.'
(1) Trials come in various categoriesThey're physical, emotional, financial, and relational; it's not a one-size-fits-all deal. Some are shocking, like the unexpected loss of a loved one; others are more drawn out, like an acrimonious divorce or a prolonged illness. Some play out in public while others take place in your own private hell. Some are due to your own, or other people's mistakes; others have nothing whatsoever to do with human shortcomings. 
(2) Trials test our faith. They bring us back to basics and remind us where our priorities should lie. Charles Swindoll says, 'During...intense trials I go back to...what I really believe... elementals such as prayer and dependence...getting quiet and waiting on God. Trials...force us back to the bedrock of faith upon which our foundation rests, and this becomes a refining and necessary process.' 
(3) Trials mature us. When we're suffering there's a tendency to try to look for the quick way out.Don't do that. Trials are designed to make us 'complete'. By letting them do their work, you end up stronger.

Friday, December 2, 2011

What will you do?

Here is my first sermon.  I hope that it motivates you in some way if not provokes some thought or action in the direction that you were called to live out your life. xx


Today is the first day of December.  How quickly has the year gone by.  It’s been such a great year.   At the start of the year – Everyone starts thinking about setting goals …starting fresh…a new beginning…Our goals range from goals about our health, our school, our work, our family…our spiritual goals.   We start our year off on a high…we’re motivated…we’re pumped…we’re excited….and we start to work…but then days, weeks and months go by.  We’re working to achieve our goals, we’re working to do what’s right for ourselves, for our families, then other things get in the way, distractions come about…and it affects us in a way that we don’t follow through with achieving our goals… We allow these things to get in our way, and in the end not achieve/reach our goals at all.  We begin to feel so bad about ourselves that we begin to feel pulled into other distractions, we no longer are aware….Because our hearts are filled with disappointment, our bodies are tired….our emotions influence our decision making. 

The purpose of today’s encouragement is to get you motivated again…get you thinking….get you moving…so that when the year ends…you can feel…yes I’ve given 2011 the best…

 So in saying that…..Today’s encouragement comes from the book of Colossians 4: 2 - 6.  "2Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. 3And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. 4Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should. 5Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. 6Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone."

 At this time, the disciples were sent to various parts of the world to minister to people about the good news.  Paul in particular was sent by Jesus to Rome.  Before he reached Rome he had established churches in different places.  When Paul arrived in Rome he was arrested but that didn’t stop him from continuing his service to God.  That is an encouragement in itself…At times we allow our situations to get the better of us that we start to give up….we start to blame others for putting us through these situations….Paul could’ve easily done that…but He understood the purpose of his journey….So he began to minister in writing to those churches…This is an example that when you understand God’s purpose in your life…God will make a way for you….

So my question for you is….with the four weeks we have left in 2011….WHAT WILL YOU DO?... to fulfil God’s purpose in your life…
-      What will you do to build YOUR LIFE?
-      What will you do to build YOUR FAMILY?
-      What will you do to IMPACT YOUR COMMUNITY?

1st point:  What are you doing to BUILD YOUR LIFE?
Think about what you have done…or haven’t done to build your own life this year?  What have you done spiritually? Mentally? Physically?  

I took time off work in August to take care of myself…because I was sick last year.  I took on a lot with school, work, my family…and I thought after talking it through with my family…I’ll take some time off to have some rest and focus on one thing… As it turned out things got even busier when I finished from work.  It was like …now that I don’t have to worry about one thing…work…I now have time to do other things…it wasn’t until a month of staying at home that I really rested…But after a while…I did a lot of thinking…and talking to God about my life…I was trying to figure out why I wanted to change my life and it wasn't working..... I realised that….I didn’t love myself…I didn’t love myself enough to really have a rest and take care of myself…and by taking care of myself…I was taking care of my family.  I didn’t love myself enough to change…..I worked so hard to serve God and others that I thought that is where I needed my love to come from…. I couldn’t work it out on my own….so what I did was…as Paul writes in his letter…verse 2 “Devote yourselves to prayer…”     I knelt down and prayed about it…and what God revealed to me was that by not loving myself…I was not loving who was dwelling within me…. When I declare that I’m a Christian and my love for God and what He has done in my life.…what I am saying to people is….that what is living in my heart is God….is His GREATNESS…. Within each and every one of us….there is God’s Greatness dwelling in your heart…. When the Lord told Ezekiel a priest to tell his own people what God will do to them for not repenting their sins….it was the Spirit of the Lord going into Ezekiel…that helped him rise to his feet…that gave him encouragement.  Nobody likes to be the one to tell bad news…. I love what it says in Ezekiel chapter 2 & 3…Ezekiel says ” As the Lord spoke…the Spirit came into me and raised me to my feet and I heard him speaking to me.”       How wonderful that is to feel the presence of God…so much that it raises you to your feet…you stand tall…you begin to accept and understand God’s purpose in your life…. Are you allowing His Spirit to raise you to your feet…so that you can hear what he is trying to tell you?  What are you doing to BUILD YOUR LIFE!!!

 Paul writes in his letters to the Colossians…verse 2 “Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful”   I prayed about my situation to understand myself better.   I was then watchful…I became aware of the way I was feeling, treating myself, thinking, behaving…..and through that journey…I gave thanks and I still gives thanks to God….Because I am now in a place where I understand what is dwelling in my heart…..It is the way you behave…what you say….that will attract people to you…and your love for God…. When you understand the GREATNESS of GOD that lives within you…people will be drawn to you…they want to have what you’re having… Do you understand the GREATNESS that lives within you??  Are you showing people the GREATNESS that lives within you??  Or are you only showing certain people that there’s GREATNESS within you…. Paul goes on further to say in his letter…. 

In verse 5Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity.”   We do not have much time this year…..I do not know what goals you set for yourself…for your family….for your work…your school….to this church….but like Paul says….Be wise … choose rightly how you react in situations….don’t think that because you behave a certain way in front of your family that’s okay to behave differently elsewhere and that your family will protect you…because I tell you….it will be your family who will have to convince the most of your love for God …..your family is who you spend most of your time with you lose faith in people when they are dishonest….when you behave one way in front of them….how do you think…your children will grow seeing this…how do you think your parents will learn to trust you….same with your group of friends…. Be wise. 

The end of verse 5 says to “Make the most of every opportunity”.  I am forever thankful for the opportunity God has given me.  So what opportunities have you had this year to BUILD YOUR LIFE?   Did you see those opportunities??  When opportunities come along they give you a chance to grow as a person, to learn new things, to be challenged….and it builds your life….WHAT WILL YOU DO TO BUILD YOUR LIFE??

2nd point: What are you doing to BUILD YOUR FAMILY?

 Fathers…how are you BUILDING YOUR FAMILY???  Mothers …how are you BUILDING YOUR FAMILY???  Children…how are you BUILDING YOUR FAMILY???  

Paul talks about in verse 3…to “Pray for us”….a simple way to build your family…is to pray for everyone in your family.  He goes on to ask that through our prayers….that God may open a door for our message… What message is your family sharing with others…when you fellowship with others….what messages do they get from you???  Is it a message that you want to hear back from others about you??  Who are you really opening your door to your heart to???  If the message you and your family are sending out…is the same one that comes back to you…and you don’t like it….is it really God opening that door?? Paul was in chains when he asked for this prayer….He was in chains…he was bound…when we go through life….we feel like we’re in chains….emotional chains…physical chains…spiritual chains….but Paul simply asked in his letter for others to pray for him….so that God will make a way….

 Paul says in verse 4…Pray that I may proclaim it clearly as I should…. Are you Building your Family in a way that it is clear to them….is it in a way that you should build your family???  When we make plans for our family for the day, for the month, for the year…we sometimes don’t communicate in a way that allows the whole family to think the same way….and when someone doesn’t follow through…we get upset….”Paul asked that we pray the message is proclaimed clearly…the way he should…. Is what you are doing to build your family a way that God wants you to build your family???  With everything that I have said it is not only for your immediate family…it applies to every relationship you have in your life….

3rd point: What are you doing to IMPACT YOUR COMMUNITY?
Everything starts with yourself..when you begin to realise, accept and understand the GREATNESS that lives within you…everything else will flow…and will be wonderful…

Paul talks about a number of people from verses 7 onwards.  He describes a number of people in his life that he is serving alongside.  With most of them he describes them as being “one of them”….one of the community… Because we are working to serve God in our communities we need to fellowship more with those in our communities….some of us sit back and let others do the fellowship…there will be a time when those people will not be around and you will need to get out there and build relationships… 

Paul says in verse 6 I think is very important to how you impact a community.   It says 6Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.  Let your conversations be always…always full of grace.  Let your conversations be held in a way that invites people…the community to k now more about you and your love for God….then they will want to know more about God…  Be wise…and gracious…in what you say… 

When Paul says…seasoned with salt...the way it is meant here is that salt…perseveres food from corruption…from getting spoilt….it’s the same with your conversation..speak in a way that what you say does not put people off from following God…that’s basically it… Be very wise in the way that you speak…and how you answer people when they question….Most of the time…when someone questions you…it’s because they don’t understand….but most times we take it in as they are trying to catch us out….

It is said that Word of Mouth is the fastest marketing strategy there is….the quickest way to let someone know what’s going on…is by telling them about it….so when you think about impacting a community…it is your conversations….

What are you doing to IMPACT YOUR COMMUNITY?
What have you not done to IMPACT YOUR COMMUNITY…

As Jesus sent out the disciples each of them being unique in their personality, their upbringing so are you…you are uniquely made but made for a purpose…. We all have different goals, different jobs, different careers…but each of those areas can be used to serve God and build His kingdom on earth.
 Just as Paul describes from verse 7 to 18…he describes those dear brothers, those faithful ministers, those fellow servants that are all working towards achieving one thing….impacting the community by sharing the good news about our Lord….

At the end of Paul’s letter…he writes….”18I, Paul, write this greeting in my own hand. Remember my chains. Grace be with you.

·        He writes this letter with his own hand. 
·        Even with his hands in chains…he writes…
·        It’s by his own effort that he writes and ministers to the churches


With the remainder of this year, and even in your walk with God…

      1)     What will you do to BUILD YOURSELF?
a.      What are you doing to build your spirit for God?
b.     What are you not doing?
c.      Are you loving yourself enough to make a change?
d.     Do you understand that there is a GREATNESS within you?
e.      Be wise in the way you act to others
f.        Be wise in the way you act to your family
g.     Be watchful….Watch the way you do things…
h.     Gives Thanks for everything that he has done

        2)     What will you do BUILD YOUR FAMILY?
a.      Pray for others
b.      Ask God to open your heart….not someone else…
c.      What message is your family sharing with others??? 
d.      Building your Family in a way that is clear to them….is it in a way that you should build your family???

         3)     What will you do to IMPACT YOUR COMMUNITY?
a.      Will your conversation be always full of grace?
b.     Will it be seasoned with salt?
c.      You will build relationships with people…in your church, in your family, in your workplace, in your school….or are you someone that breaks relationships down??

What will you do…with the rest of 2011?  xxxx