Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day 50 - Whoa! Day 50!!!

I never would've thought that this illness would have gone beyond 3 days..but wow Day 50?!

I had a few questions for my nurse this morning.  Mostly about the hallucinations I've been having.  She was a little concerned about my last episode and called my doctor.  I'm advised to ease off on the pain relief tonight and see how that goes and to raise it with the infectious diseases doctors tomorrow.  I had a few more questions about how much longer the recovery would be?, what happens when I run out of medications? etc.  Apparently all my questions can be answered tomorrow.

So tomorrow I am scheduled to have another chest x-ray to check for fluid in my lungs as I am coughing up a little phlegm.  Following that I will meet with the infectious diseases team and then my nurse to change the antibiotics infuser.  It would be interesting to hear what their thoughts are about my illness in terms of my progress.

I am not getting enough sleep.  I am still in the pattern of sleeping very late.  We're talking about 'til the early hours of the morning.  No wonder I am hallucinating.  My girls are home tonight.  It would be great to spend some time with them tomorrow.  I caught a glimpse of Dr. Phil's show today about newlyweds feeling they may have made a mistake in marrying their partners.  One couple were having trouble about having differing beliefs.  While dating both partners had the same or similar christian beliefs.  Once they were married the husband began to question their beliefs and yearned for more evidence.  He claims that he never really understood the christian faith and went along with it.

I've come across a number of couples that have faced similar challenges.  It may even be different faith.  I am raised a Catholic and my husband is raised Assembly of God.  I have always believed in God and what he has done for me in my life but there was something in the Catholic Christian faith I did not quite understand.  I remember challenging my teacher/priest about a few things but wasn't quite satisfied with the answer I was given.  So I guess at that point there was a seed already planted in my heart to find what it really means to live for Christ.  Then I met my husband and before we even started going out, we were in the early stages of getting to know each other and he said to me, "Do you know whether you are going to make it to Heaven?".  Now for someone who felt that her faith was strong though her life reflected slightly otherwise, I was deeply offended and responded quite negatively.  But that question never really left my heart.  Dan and I dated for over a year before we married and we talked thoroughly about our faith and how we would raise our children.  We believe that it is important to talk about this and other things before you get married because you don't want to find out afterwards that your perspectives are different as these couples on the Dr Phil show realised. On October 29th 2000 I accepted Jesus as my Saviour and on October 30th, 2000 Dan and I were an official couple.  :)  Long before we had children we agreed on how we would raise our children in the faith and so far we have seen the fruits of our labour.

I had hoped tonight that I would have an early night but after having an awesome meal that my aunty made for us but more so for Dan's birthday I'm finding it hard to nod off.

Before I sign off perhaps this is something for you to think about too....

"Do you know whether you are going to make it to Heaven?"


  1. considered my sister, and the answer is a BIG FAT YES, I am going to heaven!!
    I am so encouraged by your strength one verse that has been resounding in my heart and ear over the last few weeks is Romans 8:28, "And we know that in ALL things, God works for the good of those who love Him and who have been called according to His purpose" - it is overtly obvious that you do love God and that you are certainly called according to His purpose - which means, God is working for your in ALL things that pertain to your life! I am awaiting in expectation to be astounded sis.
    Love Lofi-n-Jade xxox

  2. Said with great confidence suga!!! Awesome! Thank you for the scripture also!!! Definitely living for His purpose! God bless LnJ love I,D,NnM :)
