Thursday, January 20, 2011

Week 3 into 2011...

I was reminded by my sister-in-law to hurry up and add a new post! :) so here I am.
Since December I have been involved in our church's Family Portrait Fundraiser.  We were very successful and gained a lot of interest in Auckland.  So last week saw me and my youngest sister-in-law fly to Auckland for 4 days to hold our fundraiser there.  Wow what a busy weekend.  I was so tired by the time we hit Sunday.  I was trying to get as much rest as I could in between times but I couldn't feel my legs at one point from all the standing!  The fundraiser was a success and we had achieved what we set out to do.  We met a lot of beautiful families and reunited with a few.

It was a great opportunity to work alongside my family who pulled together and did a great job!!!  I felt so blessed.  On Sunday it was my first paid gig as the main photographer for my best friend's older brother's wedding. ha! mouthful.  I was glad that it was an intimate setting.  Such a beautiful couple and very much in love.

Here are a few pics taken from the weekend.

I really do feel the strain on my body when I've done so much.  I feel so motivated to do things as the photography has been a success.  But again my health has been made 3rd, 4th priority.  Now after a week at work I am keen to get back into exercising again.

There are some great things ahead this year for my family.  With Dan returning to contacting it will relieve pressure on me having to go to work.  I can finally finish my studies this year!!!  I look forward to wearing my cap and gown for my family and my girls!!!

Tomorrow I'll be spending some much needed time with my girls.  Just me and my girls.  So tonight I cleaned my house so that tomorrow will be dedicated to them.  As I cleaned bathroom number #3 :), I felt really blessed and found myself worshipping Him even in that moment.  Despite all that I lack in my spiritual life, God continues to bless my family.  Never had we imagined to be living in such a beautiful home that would accommodate our big families and He has answered our prayers!!!

The theme that runs through my mind at the moment is about "preparing my fields".  I see myself as a worker in the fields.  Working to bring people to know about God through my actions, my character, my knowledge of Him.  I need to prepare my fields for the rain.  Our Lord could arrive at any time when we least expect it and I want to be ready!!

Our God is an awesome God and He is so wonderful.  Though my behaviour at times does not reflect that I believe He is wonderful, but in my Heart He will always remain!!

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