Wednesday, February 23, 2011

ARGH!!!! MY KNEE!!!!

So our Change4LYF challenge has been going really well until today at our Week 4 women's training session my knee gave way and gave a mighty loud CRUNCH!!!  I was so annoyed..and to think that I have a condition called "netballer's knee" and today we did.....NETBALL DRILLS!!!!!  Come on Richard!!!!

So know I'm in a little pain, hobbling around the house trying not to snap at people.  But despite what I'm going through, it was sad to see on the news earlier today about what was going on in Christchurch, NZ!  The people of Christchurch have had a bad run of earthquakes and after shocks since September 4 and today an earthquake of 6.3 and only 5 - 6 metres deep was too close to home for a lot of New Zealanders!!!

Facebook was flooded with messages of prayers, thoughts and help for our fellow man in Christchurch.  It was sad to hear that the death toll had reached 65.  The City is in a state of emergency.  New Zealanders are asked not to use their cellphones, landlines unless there was an emergency to allow for those that are still missing and their families to use the lines to contact loved ones.

What a wake up call for everyone to really appreciate the life they have and to spend it wisely with those who really matter in their lives.  Like a thief in the night our Lord will come for us.  The earthquake happened so unexpectedly as most natural disasters do however this came at a very busy time of the day and hit the centre of Christchurch city.  So many people going about their daily work and routine in the city were quickly stopped in their tracks.  I felt so helpless watching the news and seeing footage of people waiting to be rescued from their floors of skyscrapers.  Helplines have started and New Zealanders are donating to a relief fund for families in Christchurch.

I had no words to describe or express that today was a very sad day for New Zealand.  My prayer is for those lives that were saved, may they comforted in the knowledge that there is a reason for living; for those that are trapped under debris, in buildings, may they find peace that they are not forgotten, may you guide our rescuers to these people and bring them to the light; protect all our families and friends in Christchurch and across the country.  We are in a state of fear and panic, may we all find peace in this tragedy and hope that Christchurch will live to its name...that our CHRIST is in His CHURCH and waiting to rebuild the lives of His People....

For Christchurch!!

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