Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I strive not for beauty....

I am so touched by the messages I have received of support for this journey in my life.  I am really looking inward for the transformation.  This morning my encouragement comes from Proverbs 31.  The passage in particular verses 10 to 31 describes the kind of woman that King Lemuel's mother advises he should marry.

This scripture focuses more on what a wife does and the qualities she possesses.  Verse 30 is a reminder to me of my purpose of finally taking the step to improving my health and my life.  It says "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised" NIV.

My skin lately has been very dry, obviously the junk and the portions I've been eating have contributed to that. I see the cracks in my skin, and the slight sting I feel when I wash my face and as I think about taking steps forward it's a reminder that at the moment there are cracks in my health, my family life and my spiritual life.  Before any healing can truly take its course there is going to be a sting.  It was a huge sting yesterday finally revealing and being real and true to myself of where I am at and something needs to be done.  So now the healing process begins.

My measurements at the start of this journey are:

KG - 138
Chest (cm) - 121.2
Waist - 111
Hips - 138.1
Thigh - 83.7
Bicep - 45.5

Current size ranges from XL/20 upper body, and XL/24 - 26 lower body.....Wow that was really hard to type that...

So today my aim is to keep moving....KEEP MOVING!!! KEEP MOVING FORWARD.....


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