Here is a post that I had prepared last Friday but couldn't get access to the net to post it online.
Before I get into it though, I wanted to keep myself honest in revealing how my healthy goals are going....
So after four weeks of making changes I have lost 4.2 kgs. Though I am a little disappointed in not achieving bigger results in these last two weeks. I know where my faults were. But at the same time...a loss is a loss. :)
I’ve been trying to think of what to write and my mind draws a blank. Following on from yesterday about boredom and finding rest in that boredom, today I have nothing….or do I?
Am I not purpose driven? Am I becoming complacent? Actually I think stagnant is the better word. I’m not quite moving forward right now, but I know I’m NOT moving back either. I think there are often moments when we feel ….we are neither here or there. It’s not that I’ve lost the drive to do anything. I know for certain that my lack of sleep is having an effect but I think I’m just enjoying the NOW. There is going to be a time when I will need to revisit my goals again to get myself motivated and moving forward. I’m not completely off track just not moving anywhere.
I think I need to set new physical goals. My brother gave me an exercise programme to try. I know this will kick in once my little one starts school next term. I will try to stick to a routine for 21 days straight. I’ve read that sticking to something for 3 weeks forms a new habit J. Here goes.
To keep moving spiritually, I really need to (and I’m sitting here thinking about what it is that I want to achieve) read His Word. I read so many other books but I fail to read the manual for living life! I’ve read in one of my books that repeating a practice (building habits) is one of the most basic principles of most spiritual paths. It reads that whatever you practice most is what you will become. I think about an athlete training for an upcoming event. When they train at their best they will perform at their best. Simple really. It was interesting to read that often we say what we want to do and our lifestyle reflects something else. I like the question “Is what you say you want your life to stand for consistent with what your life really stands for?” who do I say I am…A Christian….so do I live my life as one? Do I pick and choose what I believe constitutes as Christian living? There are so many interpretations or ideas of Christian living how do I know which is the right one to follow?...So much for my mind being blank huh? J
In terms of my family and moving forward in that area, I will start to have one-on-one time with my girls again. I started this sometime ago and it really helped our relationship and I think I need to start this again. This can be something as simple as going for a walk together.
I often think about whether my blogging is repetitive and I suppose if it’s still on my mind then it’s something that I still need to work at. I’m down about having to revisit old habits. I am reminded of what I need to change but my focus is still looking forward. I am CHOOSING to do better….
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