1st day in Auckland with my family and I am blessed with the relationships that I have. It is a great feeling to be surrounded by your siblings and to know that in any situation you come across you can deal with it together with maturity and unconditional love. It was great to be in our family kitchen now 10x bigger than when we were 8, 6 and 5 :)
Today is the start of Week 3 of my new journey to improve the inner me, and it is going great. My mind feels sharper in making conscious decisions of what I'm going to do and most importantly..to eat :). So now 3.3kgs lighter, I am still motivated to improving ME. I look forward to the training sessions I am going to have with my family. It will feel like the old days when we would encourage each other to do something active. I feel it is another level that my brothers and I can connect in our relationship.
It is a bitter sweet moment tonight as we farewell my brother Junior and his family back to England tomorrow. But moments like these are very precious to us. Speaking to my youngest brother, I said to him that though we've been living apart for over ten years now, I'm glad that we can be civil about things. What is important is for us to ensure that our children get time together also and with our parents.
It is very true that friends and acquaintances will come and go in your life, but your family will always remain. Now that I am in my 30s I am certain of the people I have in my life and who I know will be with me and support me in any venture I pursue. There is strength in family! It sometimes may not be as obvious as seeing the nose on our faces but it is there. Belief in a strong family unit is just as important. Believing that there is a strong bond between every person in the family only cements your relationships. Having faith that your family can overcome many and every odds that come into your paths.
I am thankful for the family I have, as dysfunctional as it can be, with all the life experiences and life lessons we have gained we are who we are, and no-one but us can truly understand that. No, actually I'm wrong there...only God can understand how my family unit works. I look forward to the awesome weekend I am about to have with my family as we celebrate my youngest' 5th birthday. I want my girls to meet everyone in my family so they can appreciate the love that surrounds them from the families of both their parents.
Surrounding our children with love is the most inexpensive thing we can ever do. It is the best gift coupled with the gift of life that we can give our children.
I am going to stick to my word and be motivated to blog every day while I'm on holiday. I will walk to the library :) which will mean I will put in my time to exercise my temple :)....
so here we go....xxx
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