Friday, October 28, 2011

Clean House....Clean Spirit??

So today I was on a mission to clean every closet, draw, shelf in my house.  I'm part way there but I managed to get rid of so much clutter in my wardrobe and my girls alone.  All I had was music playing from my kitchen and some black rubbish bags.  It felt good to re-evaluate myself while I was cleaning.

I don't know how I got to having so many clothes.  I think it was always wanting to get the nicest things that I never could get or afford (not that I still can :P) before.  But now I'm realising through this journey to loving ME, I don't need the latest threads.  I can improvise.  One only really needs a couple of pairs of everything.  Not 15 t-shirts, 3 long sleeve tops, so many dresses etc etc etc.

I feel lighter physically and mentally.  A relative commented positively on how I looked at church tonight.  It was nice to hear such compliments.  I'm really making the change to carry myself better and do the best that I can with what I have.  Though I'm not going to be complacent.  Losing 4 kilos is just the start.  I have so much more to lose, but am gaining so much more in Spirit.

The Word at service tonight was a great reminder to live in harmony amongst your brothers and sisters in Christ.  This extends out to your family, your children, your brothers, sisters, aunties, uncles, cousins etc etc etc.  When we are one in mind and spirit working together can happen so smoothly.  I reflect on a number of times when things aren't quite as harmonious as I would like them to be, but I am thankful that I am able to quickly nip things in the butt before they get out of hand.  It's amazing how two simple words "I'm sorry" can diffuse a situation.

There is still a lot of clutter in my house both inside and out.  And that's the same with my spirit and body.  I have a lot of work to do.  Today I've done a little bit of tidying, as I will do every day.  I need to keep moving to be able to really make any progress.

I'm really blessed in the things that I'm doing right now.  God is blessing me with so many opportunities to really extend myself.  I'm trying to not put myself in a box, that I am only to be a certain way as people perceive me.  No.  I know that God has made me to do so much more with my life.  I accept that I cannot do everything, but through God many great things will come from me and all the glory goes to Him.

So with my house being semi-clean, so is my spirit.  And I'm okay with that, because tomorrow I'm ready to do some more cleaning :) xxxxx

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