Sunday, February 19, 2012

He is My Centre

I put this as my status on FB today "You know for a while things had been a little stagnant at I decided to change seats....moving from the back of the church to the front....and I tell ya....BOOOM!!!! I am feeling it all over again....If you're finding yourself getting comfortable and eventually getting bored and distracted...then maybe all you need to do is CHANGE WHERE YOU SIT!!!....blessings y'all! Good to be home xxx"  

It's been a while since something felt so true as that statement did for me today.  The last couple of weeks since moving to another seat in church my perspective has changed.  It's the same with taking a picture, one photographer has a different perspective to another.  I feel so very blessed to be at the front and to feel in the amidst of worship and to hear His word, His encouragement hit me at full volume than as a faded whisper when you sit at the back.

I feel so relaxed despite being as busy as I am.  I am really appreciating everything that I'm doing.  With my healthy journey I'm receiving comments from those around me saying that I'm looking slimmer. I stand in front of the mirror and see little changes.  My response to their comments is..."I feel really happy".  What a freedom that brings me to say that I am honestly happy.  Of course there are always ways we wish our lives could be better, but how can feel happy in those times if we don't appreciate the times we are in now.

Worship today was awesome.  Not really any different to any other day, but only because I'm at the front of the church now, each lyric and musical note hits my heart like an arrow hits its target.  The words in one particular song  really put me in my place.  My girls are singing it right now as they lay in bed.

Jesus at the centre of it all
From beginning to the end
It will always be
It's always been you
Jesus, Jesus

Nothing else matters
Nothing in this world will do
Jesus you're the centre
Everything revolves around you
Jesus, you, at the centre of it all

Singing this song I reflect on our 10th wedding anniversary coming up in a couple of months.  There have been so many milestones reached in my life.  And from the very start when I left home 11 years ago, I remember promising God that if it was His will for me to leave home then everything I do I will dedicate to Him.  And since then, as I have blogged about before...I cannot describe in words the blessings that He has given me over the years.  And even now with doing photography, God has blessed me with meeting beautiful families, making new friends, sharing a part of my life with them, and them with me.  I am so absolutely blessed.  My temple will be in the condition God intended for me.  I am determined to get there!

I am preparing for my first Sunday sermon as a preacher at the end of next month.  I feel that God is speaking to me and planting messages in my heart about encouraging his people to make a move regardless of how big or small that movement's a move...and that's what God wants.  I am excited and praying for spiritual fulfilment so that whatever encouragement I share on the night will be what He wants me to share.

My life is beyond what I thought it would be 11 years ago.  He has blessed me with so much more....and I am truly thankful and it's all because I have made Jesus the Centre of My Life!!!! so blessed xxxxxx

Here's the video clip of the song for you to enjoy xxx Jesus be the Centre by Israel Houghton

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Laying It Down

It's been a long time since I shared the goings on in my life.  I have been so busy and at times felt overwhelmed with my photography that I have taken on.  God has been so good to provide for me and my family.

Dan preached today's message fr the first time this year.  I always feel proud to hear and see him serving in our church.  Well actually for anything for that matter.  Seeing him at work makes me feel so much more confident in where he believes our family should be led.

Today's message was simple in that we need to plan the year ahead.  Set goals and prepare for the opportunities and the unexpected things that prop up.  Pray - Link - Apply and Never give up.  Awesome encouragement to remind us to have continuous conversations with our God in everything that we do.  I was remembered that I need to link with the right people to see God's plan through in my life.  We can only go so far with certain people in our lives.  When we feel that we've reached the end of the relationship then we need to be thankful for that time and then move on and continue with God's plan.  Application is always key to any plans being made.  Putting to action the plans we've developed.  I sometimes put a lot of pressure on myself to follow through with what I've promised but at the same time I need to keep a balance of what I have going on in my life.  Lastly, never giving up.  I am not going to give up on my journey to improve my health.  My husband is so motivated right now which is exciting for me.  Today I felt good about myself.  The way I dressed to go to church.  I had blogged about some time ago that I no longer am going to feel so down about myself with the size that I'm at right now, because I know this is only temporary.  But I really did feel pretty today :) and my husband stared at me in the same way he did when we got married.  As embarrassing as it was for me to be on the other end of those long stares, it felt good to be the apple of my husband's eye again :)

The other key message that stood out for me today came through in a song that our worship band hadn't sung in a while.  An old "Katina's" track.  I'm "laying it down for the joy of the Lord".  With all that we have going on in our lives it takes an action by us to lay our burdens down so that we can see the glory of God.  So that we can enjoy what God has set for us.  We build a wall around us that prevents us from really seeing the blessings that we have in our lives.  That song reminded me to push aside all that makes me unhappy to see how happy I can really be.

For 2012 don't waste your time on things that don't add any value to your life, because you will miss out on the value that is already there!!! xxx