Sunday, May 15, 2011

Wearing the right shoes....

Interesting how God's message speaks to me through the different things I do each day.

I enjoyed listening (and translating) today's message from Ephesians 5: 14 - 16.  I love to hear messages that remind me to keep checking myself in everything that I do.  I try to make it a point to people that it always pays to keep yourself in check.  We cannot assume that the way we live our lives is the way that it should always remain.  We should evolve just as time in general evolves.

I was translating today's message to a gorgeous young individual who recently joined our youth and the message that I took in was an extension to being careful about how we live our life, not as a fool but as a wise person.  We were encouraged to walk the straight right path while wearing the right shoes.

Walking a straight and righteous path would reflect our purpose, our beliefs in this life.  To do so we would need to equip ourselves with the right tools.  Going for a walk, we wear shoes that are appropriate for our journey.  An example...wearing stilettos all day may look good...but I'm pretty certain your feet would disagree.  In order for us to do what we need to, to fulfil our walk we need to wear the right shoes, otherwise wearing the wrong shoes will see us not completing our walk...(and icing our feet :p).

Wearing the correct shoes may seem insignificant but when you miss those little things while on a journey..(like your toothbrush) it can really throw you off your path.  Like your shoes and your toothbrush, having the right tools, characteristics, skills, personalities, talents to help us on our journey is very important.  Along our way we may not be the best person for a particular job, but may be the exact person that someone needs to help them in their situation.  The "shoes" that we wear can help us at those exact times.

This past week, I have been wearing my "slippers", I have been taking advantage of my time to catch up on sleep, and relaxing.  At the back of my mind, I have assignments due, projects due at work, daily home responsibilities, church responsibilities etc and every second day I put on my runners to do some exercise.  At work I wear the same shoes because they're comfortable and easy to slip on as I head out the door, and  now my beautiful silver ballet slippers are worn out.  Despite the different shoes I wear each day, I am now, having heard this message, more conscious of the shoes I put on for every situation...e.g. work, exercise, home.  When I put my runners on to do an hour of exercise, I feel like I'm taking control.  That I have a purpose to fulfil, that is to be healthy, but applying that to everything else I do in my life I need to complete each task that I'm given.  With all the sweat the drips from my brow when I work out when I try to beat my target distance and calories set, I need to have that same determination when I complete my projects at work, assignments, family and church responsibilities.  I think I will try to wear my "runners" all week :)

What a great message, and reminder to continue to keep myself in check because our days are numbered and there is so much to do on this LIVE WITH A PURPOSE. xx

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