Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Running the World...

This post is inspired by the change that has happened in my life of late and Beyonce :)
I came across this youtube clip of Beyonce called "Year of 4".  It's the behind-the-scenes look at the making of her current album.

There were many parts in the clip that I felt mirrored how I have been feeling.  I wish I could say that we mirrored the same lifestyle, fame and riches...but no..that is not God's plan for me :).  It's the busyness that she creates because of feeling that she has something to say to the world through her music.  She talked about fans greeting her, thanking her, and most of the time she doesn't remember what they say because in her mind she is thinking about the next gig, the next concert, the next shoot.  There have been many moments lately when someone would talk to me about their day, ask for some direction and I have zoned out of the conversation focussing only on what I need to do next for our church's launch, my school work, work, my family.  In all this busyness my health is still no where at the top of my list.

Leading up to our launch held on the weekend I found myself tossing and turning in bed because I was thinking about the things that needed to be done.  I know that I need a break and I believe God is giving me that rest period now.  By Monday I felt mentally exhausted.  My body feels drained.

I've had some really good and inspiring conversations with people around me about a range of things.  It is always great to surround yourself with people who will build you up spiritually and mentally.  It's good to hear another perspective.  But it is always good to have an open heart to receive it, because sometimes that perspective can really hurt.  I have a lot of thinking to do (as if I haven't done so much already) about where my life is heading and the plans I think God wants me to fulfil.

In the video clip, Beyonce talks about her take on "running the world" and I contemplate on the last six weeks and my potential plans for the future.  What do I need to do to "run the world" for God? for myself? for my family?  All that I can think about is that I need to be physically, mentally and spiritually fit.  That is key to doing so many things.  A good friend once asked me about the ramifications of not attending church frequently.  I likened it to not doing any exercise.  If we don't do regular exercise (attend a church regularly) and eat healthily (read His Word etc) how can we expect our bodies to run 5km.  Our bodies will only put out what we put in.  As I type this I'm thinking...I know...I can I expect to think properly and finish my assignment if I'm not taking care of myself!!!.  We can't expect to have our prayers answered or for God to perform blessings in our lives if we do not attend a church regularly, or fellowship with others regularly.

So that says it all...for me to "run the world" I need to, once again, take care of ME!!!  not next week or tomorrow.....NOW!!!! (and so I pour out the rest of my coke :p)


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