Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day 44 - Mrs Doubtfire is in town!

I woke this morning feeling the pain in my back.  I tried to handle it as much as I could 'til I was due my next dosage.  I could hear my brother cleaning the house.  I organised for the girls to be dropped off home so that my brother could spend some time with them.  I started to get a little emotional which amplified the pain I was feeling.  It took me a while to calm down before I could even talk.  By the time the nurse arrived I was breathing sharply and pacing around to distract me from the pain.

My nurse was concerned that perhaps the pain relief was not working for the length of time I have been on this medication.  There was the possibility that I may need to go back into the hospital.  With my brother being here I don't really want to go in.  I managed to calm down.  My checks were okay.

My girls are having a lot of fun with their uncle.  They're outside at the moment cleaning our driveway :).  My manager just called.  It's such a blessing that I have someone who is understanding and patient as my manager.  Again I am blessed in my workplace.

As I do I'm feeling really tired now (after taking my dosage).  I can't believe it is almost 1pm.  The time is flown by quickly.  Having had all this time off I'm losing track of the days in a week.  It's Wednesday today.  Wow my brother and my girls are heading back into the house.  His cleaning of the driveway only took 10 mins.  Goodness!.

I'm trying not to think about my appointment tomorrow and just leaving it to God.  For now I'll just enjoy listening to the joyful laughter my brother is making with my girls.

I hope you are all having a great day today.

God bless


I've just woken from my nap and found my girls having snacks in the lounge, my brother sitting next to two loads of washing he has folded.  Wow! Mrs Doubtfire alright :) I was trying to figure out what to title this blog this morning until my other brother Junior texted asking me how Mrs Doubtfire is doing :).

Since this morning my youngest brother Ben has been absolutely awesome!  He has:
- cleaned the house
- washed the dishes
- made breakfast for me and my girls
- taken all the washing to the laundromat (because we have the smallest washing machine and it would've taken days to get through)
- done the shopping
- taken the girls to the library
- looked after our girls the whole day.

Awesome!  I feel really blessed! Ha! there's the five love languages coming out! I feel loved because my brother has done these chores showing me he loves me.  Oh goodness.  Dan has just arrived home from work and feels really cold.  Now can my brother put the icing on the cake and make us some dinner? :) we shall see.

Just got a call from a dear aunty of mine, checking in on me.  Some of you who live a part from your family understand that it is difficult to make it on your own.  But at times like chronic illnesses and more positively special occasions you sometimes wish your own family were with you also.

I made the decision ten years ago to move away from my family and start my own family in a different city.  Every special occasion that comes around brings both joy and sadness for me because it reminds me that my family are not here to celebrate with us.  It is very hard as I am sure most of you realise.  Dan's family have been awesome and I am so blessed to be married into a family that treats me as one of their own!  I have very blessed to have the relationship that I do with my parent-in-laws.  But on most days I really miss my parents. I really miss my brothers.  I really miss my extended family.  The dollar can only stretch so far nowadays.
Each time I go back home I feel like I need to catch up on the time that was lost since I was last there.  Despite the circumstances I am glad that my family will make it down to be with me and my family.

Tonight, me and my family will sit and enjoy Mrs Doubtfire's corned beef, noodles, veges and rice and talk about our day.  I hope you will and have found the time to enjoy a meal together as a family.

Take care

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