Saturday, July 10, 2010

Day 47 - Watching our behaviour...

Managed to sleep in until my nurse was due to arrive.  I've taken my daily morning dose of pills (7 pills) and now I am very very drowsy and just want to go back to bed.  My darling husband has prepared breakfast for me, toast, eggs and hot chocolate.

The nurse arrived and went through the daily check.  Once again my blood pressure is low so I need to increase my fluids.  I used to drink more than 2L a day and now struggle to drink 1L.  Another 24 hours with my infused medication.  Same routine tomorrow.

My sister-in-law dropped my girls off home not long after my appointment.  We decided to head out to the mall to buy a few things for my niece and nephew heading down next week.  Before leaving my youngest and I talked about their night with their aunty and uncle.  She started to talk about how she and her sister misbehaved.  I called Bethany into the room to get her side of the story.  It's always difficult to work out whether the whole story is being told.  So the art of questioning is something that will come with practice.  After further interrogation we found out what had happened.  After a few more questions, tilted heads from my girls, hands on hips from myself and raised eyebrows, Dan and I decided that they would not stay with their aunties and uncles for a while until they can prove to us that they can behave.  Does this seem harsh? our girls seem to take it well.  Our girls generally are well behaved and of course our family will say that they were good when they probably weren't in some situations.  I can understand,  that nobody wants to play the 'snitch' and admit to saying "Yeah your kids were really naughty!" however, I'd prefer that we were just told the truth.  I mean, how can we as parents teach our children about our expected behaviours when they begin to develop perceptions that mummy and daddy don't have to know about how they have misbehaved at their cousins place and can get away with it.  This perception can lead onto other things and giving them the confidence to try hiding other things behind mummy and daddy's back.  After telling both girls that we will let them know when they can stay at their cousin's place again, we thanked them for being honest with us and encouraged them to continue telling us the truth.  I think it is important to acknowledge the good things that your children have done even if their behaviour has been bad.  In this situation Zemira felt comfortable with telling me about how they behaved.  She had told me that they apologised to their aunty which was good also.  It is very important to me and Dan that our girls are open and that they feel they can talk to us about anything and everything.  I think EVERYTHING is just as important.  If your child can tell you everything that happens in their day it gives them the attitude of "well why not tell mum and dad?".  I pray that this is something that continues on as they grow.

Tonight Dan will be hanging out with his brothers and cousin, which I am glad about.  Gives him a break from everything and a change to be with the boys.  My girlfriends will be over to be with me and my girls.

I'm feeling really tired.  Because we went to the mall I took extra pain relief to make up for the increase in activity today.  It's amazing that only a little bit of increased activity can really take a lot out of me.  The number of pills I take a day also contributes to my low energy levels.

I hope everyone has enjoyed their day so far....


Tried a number of times to skype my family back in Aux who are having a farewell poker night for my brother at my one of my cousin's place.  Sad that I couldn't be there with them and now that my brother is heading overseas it will be a while before we get together again. :(

My girls are both in bed after unsuccessful trying to talk with my cousins on skype.  Mira must have snuck away with too many of aunty El's cheese and crackers to keep still during the video call!  Bethany got her hair curled by her aunty El and then proceeded to flick her hair without pause during the video call too!  Goodness!

I have a couple of my girlfriends here with me while Dan is spending some guy time out with his brother and cousin.  I popped in before they headed out and had this huge grin on his face.  It was nice to see.  I seemed really happy about spending some Dan-time with his boys.  Good for him.

I will see tonight out with my girlfriends enjoying a chick flick, some cheese 'n crackers and some good 'ol female companionship.

Hope your night sees you relaxed and ready for a good night's sleep.

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